HIIT Workout Routine for Women — or high-intensity interval training — is one of the most effective styles of workouts for alternating fat and toning – including women looking to burn a lot of body weight, tone up muscle groups, in addition, boost definitely not your first process caliber around too busy. A well-planned HIIT workout can be used to reach your goals whether you are a beginner in training or sports.
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What is HIIT?

HIIT Workout Routine for Women is a type of workout that transitions high aerobic activity to low amp recovery repeatedly. Keep your heart rate up, while burning calories like no other. The end game is calorie burn! This not only helps you torch fat but also improves your endurance, strength and cardiovascular health.
Benefits of HIIT for Women
HIIT workouts are great for women who have little spare time to exercise and get the most effects in a short workout session. Benefits: It has a few other benefits, such as;
Burn More Calories in Less Time: Because of the intensity factor, HIIT workouts allow you to scorch that many more calories post-workout.
Cardiovascular Health: HIIT maintains an elevated heart rate, which helps lift all that blood flow to your muscles up the wall possible and You end joyed better heart health and stamina.
It also: – Tones Your Body: HIIT can tone specific areas of your body and build lean muscle, (such as the legs, arms, core) with targeted exercises.
Increased metabolism: After burner or Excess Post-exercise Oxygen Consumption (EPOC) maintains calorie burn long after the workout.
This is the HIIT Workout Plan for Women.
This HIIT workout routine is for women being made concentrating main areas to build core strength, mostly leg works and general mutual fat burnings. This 10-step routine will help you build lean muscle and endurance strength.
Warm-Up (5 Minutes)

It is very necessary to warm your muscles prior before you begin the intense segment of your workout A proper warm up enhances the blood flow and makes your body ready to take on the rigors of HIIT exercises.
Jumping Jacks: 1 minute
Arm Circles: 1 minute
Leg Swings: 1 minute per leg
Body weight Squats: 1 minute
Hip Rotations: 1 minute
With that being said, you’re not new to training so your body should be capable…so get into the workou
Ladies must read:
1. Burpees
Body Part: Core, Full Body Workouts ( Supporting Muscle), Cardio
One of the best exercises for full-body activation and cardiovascular benefits, burpees are a must-have in any HIIT routine.

How to Do: Start in a push-up position, squat down and place your hands on the floor, jump feet back into plank (push up) pose And then get cack beginning of this exercise.
How long: 30 seconds of work, 15 seconds res
2. Jump Squats
Targets: Legs, Glutes and Core
While doing jump squats, you will work out your legs and glutes at the same time as getting your heart rate up.

HOW TO DO IT: Feet shoulder width, squat down as low as you can go then drive through your Heal and explode straight up off of the ground.
30 second work/15 seconds rest
3. Mountain Climbers
However, some due to the large size and structure of these ill-formed biceps are a bit diffused in their appearancesTarget Areas:Core, arms, shoulders
Mountain climbers: A great exercise for the core that involves arm work and gets your heart pumping.

How to Do It: Begin in a plank position and drive one knee forward, then immediately alternate your footing as if you’re “running” through the floor.
Duration: 30 seconds on, followed by a rep of rest
4. High Knees
Target Areas: Legs, cardio
High Knees — this is a great cardio move that will also help to strengthen your legs and core.

How To Do High KneesHigh knees workout in place
- Stand tall with your feet about hip-to-shoulder-width apart and your arms at your sides.
- Looking straight ahead, open your chest, and engage your core muscles.
- Begin by bringing your right knee toward your chest, slightly above waist level. …
- Quickly lower your right leg and left hand.
Duration : 30 sec of work, 15 s rest
5. Push-Ups
Targeting Body Parts: Arms, Chest + Core
The push-up is the ultimate upper body and core exercise that requires no equipment.

How to Do: Be in a plank position, lower your body so that you can hover over the floor and at last push back yourself.
Time: 30 seconds on, 15 off
6. Plank to Shoulder Taps
Target Areas: Core, shoulders
This exercise helps in core stability and activates the shoulders as well.

How to Do: Start in plank position, with one hand off the ground coming up and tapping opposite shoulder/side closest to it Then switch hands.
Time: 30 seconds work, 15 seconds rest
7. Jump Lunges
Targeted Muscle(s): Legs, glutesSecondary Target Area: Cardio
Hop lunges are a blast for your legs and behind, as nicely supporting cardiovascular stamina.

How to Do: Jump up, swapping your feet in mid-air so you land with the opposite foot forward.
Time: 30 second work, 15 seconds rest
8. Russian Twists
Target Areas: Core, obliques
A Russian twist, on the other hand, involves rotation and works your core— especially obliques.

Perform: Sit on the floor with your knees bent, feet off of ground, lean back slightly and rotate torso from side to side while holding hands together or a weight.
Time: 30 seconds on, 15 off
9. Bicycle Crunches
Target Areas: Core, obliques
Bicycle crunches are also a great core exercise that hits the entire abs.

Method of Implementation: Lay flat on the floor, lift your legs and shoulders from the ground then bend one leg while twisting to trying to reach opposite elbow towards knee.
Time: 30 seconds on, 15 off
10. Plank Jacks
Target Areas: Core, cardio,legs
The plank jack: a dynamic movement that combines the famous static hold of the plank with jumping jacks, constructed to inflame our core while inciting cardiovascular endurance.

How to Perform: In a plank position, jump your feet out and in wide outside of the body while engaging core.
Time: 30 seconds ON/ 15.seconds OFF.
Cool down and Stretch (5 Minutes)
It really is necessary to stretch and cool down after a high-intensity workout like HIIT in order help your sore muscles, as well.
Forward Fold Stretch (keep it real) — 1 minute
Child’s Pose: 1 minute
Quad Stretch: 1 min each side
Shoulder Stretch: 1 minute
Cat-Cow Pose: 1 minute
Final Thoughts
This HIIT routine for women is supposed to help you burn more fat, get stronger and fitter in less time. By regularly including these intense exercises in your workout schedule, you can achieve your fitness goals effectively at the same time as also reaping advantages of acquiring a more powerful and leaner body. If you are a momma on the go like me and need some crazy calorific workouts to burn that toning up challenge burpees for days Whether your goal is losing weight or getting toned, HIIT provides an incredibly effective workout with results.