Overminds need a break from the stressful work balance life. To achieve a normal and healthy nervous system, one has to opt for meditation. Yin Yoga is one such meditation practice that has the ability to harmonize and bring a soothing feeling to life. Yin yoga has the ability to alleviate the flexibility of one’s body and keep in check the functioning of the mind.
Some poses of Yin yoga are listed below.

1. Butterfly Pose (Buddha Kon asana)
Butterfly Pose is a crowd favorite for opening up the hips and finding some inner peace. Trust us, your hips will thank you.
How to Practice:
- Put the soles of your feet together while sitting on the floor and let your knees to slide to the fall.
- By straightening the back fold Forword. The head should not necessarily touch the feet.
- Stay here for 3-5 minutes, breathing slowly and deeply.
Why We Love It:
- It targets the inner thighs and groin, releasing all that tension we unknowingly build up.
- It’s also a calming pose for the mind, perfect for those evenings when you need to unwind.
Tip: If your knees are high off the ground, place cushions under them to feel more supported.
2. Dragon Pose
We get it—sitting all day can make your hip flexors feel like they’re made of concrete. Dragon Pose is here to fix that.
How to Practice:
- Step into a low lunge, right foot forward and left knee on the mat.
- Let your hips sink forward while keeping your hands on either side of your front foot. Use blocks if reaching the floor is tough.
- Hold on each side for 3-5 Minutes. Feel free to adjust to a deeper variation or rest between sides.
Why We Love It:
- It opens up tight hip flexors and helps you feel more grounded.
- Even though it’s intense, the release afterward is pure bliss.
Trust your body. If you need to back off or adjust, listen to yourself.
3. Caterpillar Pose
Full body stretch cater pillar pose is the best one. It has the ability to rejuvenate the soul.
How to Practice:
- Sit with your legs extended straight in front of you.
- Fold forward from your hips, letting your spine round. Place your hands wherever they naturally land.
- Stay here for 3-5 minutes, breathing into the stretch and surrendering to gravity.
Why should it we Loved:
- It has the ability to stretch one’s entire back and massage the internal organs.
- Along with that its also helpful in calming down the nervous system.
Pro tip. Visualize an image of a cool breeze travelling through the body and opening up every tight spot.
4. Sphinx Pose
This pose is effective for providing strength to the lower part of the pack especially for those who bend over desks in offices
How to Practice:
- The forearms should be right under your shoulders while lying on your belly and stay in upright position.
- While maintaining the position and keeping the lower part of the back relaxed smoothly and gently lift chest.
- The position to be maintain for 3-5 minutes while breathing deeply.
Why should it we Loved:
- It counteracts all that slouching we do, and the gentle opening feels like a reset for your heart and mind.
- It’s a position that can be done easily.
Visualize the heart opening with each breathing making u more joyful.
5. Saddle Pose (Supta Virasana)
Feeling adventurous? Saddle Pose gives you a deep thigh and hip stretch, paired with a beautiful heart-opening backbend.
How to Practice:
- Kneel with your feet pointing straight back. kneel with your feet so that they are pointing back straight back while resting on your elbows.
- Hold the same position for 5 minutes.
Why should it we Loved:
- It deeply stretches the quads and hip flexors, perfect for runners or anyone with tight legs.
- The chest opening can feel like a fresh breath of air, especially after a long day.
- Always, always use props if this feels too intense. Your body deserves kindness!
6. Shoelace Pose (Gomu khasana Variation)
Shoelace Pose is like a gift for your hips and glutes, especially if you’ve been sitting too much.
How to Practice:
- Sit with one knee stacked over the other, feet out to the sides.
- Fold forward, resting your upper body over your legs. Stay in the same position for 5 minutes on each side. If you feel your hips are tightening then use a cushion for support.
Why should it we loved:
- It releases tension in the outer hips and glutes, bringing relief to tight muscles.
- It feels grounding and calming, a perfect balance to any stressful day.
Remember, it’s okay if this pose feels challenging. Deep breaths are your best friends here.
7. Reclining Twist (Supta Matsyendrasana)
Need a detox? Reclining Twist stretches the spine and gives your organs a gentle massage.
How to Practice:
- While you’re hugging your knees against your chest lie back and drop the knees to one side.
- Then Extend your opposite arm and hold the position for 5 minutes while breathing deeply.
Why should it we loved:
- It seems like you’re gently squeezing your body to help you to let go of emotional and physical tension.
- The pose feels safe and soothing, perfect before bed.
Work stress out from your body with every exhale so that space becomes available for rest and relaxation.
8. Legs-Up-the-Wall Pose (Viparita Karani)
This pose, which offers complete relaxation and a complete rest, is a fundamental component of yin yoga.
How to Practice:
- Swing your legs up and lie back while sitting side ways next to a wall.
- Rest your arms while adjusting your hips close to the wall.
- Hold the position for 5 to 10 minutes while keeping your breath in focus.
Why should it we loved:
- This pose is a life-saver post a tiring day as it reduces the swelling in the legs, calms you mentally and truly works wonders on your nervous system.
Allow your body to sink into all the support the floor can offer and feel any tension from the day melt away
9. Melting Heart Pose (Anahatasana)
Melting Heart Pose feels as sweet as it sounds. It’s a deep heart and shoulder opener, perfect for releasing tension.
How to Practice:
1. Begin on your hands and knees, then drop your chest toward the mat.
2. For three to five minutes, place your chin or forehead on the floor and take deep breaths.
Why should it we Loved:
- It opens your heart and shoulders while soothing your entire spine.
- This pose invites vulnerability and a feeling of openness—beautiful both physically and emotionally.
Let yourself fully surrender, trusting the ground to hold you.
FAQs about Yin Yoga
1. How long The Pose of Yin Yoga should be held?
Typically, the pose should be held for 3-5 minutes but. If needed you can experiment with the timing.
2. Is yin yoga helpful for beginners?
Yes, Yin yoga is helpful for beginners.
3. Is yin yoga helpful for stress?
Yes, Yin yoga is very helpful for stress.
4. How often should I practice yin yoga?
Practice 2-3 times in a week can offer significant benefits. But honestly, even 10 minutes a day can make a big change if your schedule is tight.
5.What makes yin yoga unique as compared to other forms of yoga?
Yin yoga was longer-held and focused on the deep connective tissues versus vinyasa or ashtanga which were more about strength and moving at a quicker pace.
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